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Monday, 14 November 2011

Invited to a party, you are...

So my youngest (son, Tom) has been invited to a fancy dress birthday party  in a couple of weeks time - Star Wars theme.... He's 5 and has, I'm told, seen Star Wars (the first, and original, if you're my age.. or the 4th in the series, if you're young) at his friend's house - when he went round to play.

Frankly, I'm not sure how I feel about this, but it's done, so I can only go forward...

And so to fancy dress.  He decided he wanted to be 'R2-D2'.  The robot. The small wheeled robot. The small, white, dome-headed  (do robots have to have a head?) robot that emits squeeks and squeals and bleeps and blips, and whatever else you care to call the sounds it makes.  This, it has been decided, is the fancy dress my son desires above everything else.

I love the web!  A few search terms and clicks later and we arrived at: or, how to make an 'R2-D2' costume from a plastic rubbish/trash bin.  A quick click to Argos, one reservation later and we're on our way.  This is going to cost me more than buying something from Amazon or e-Bay, but what the heck, it's going to be fun making it and no other kid at the party will have one!

We collected the bin, purchased some paint suitable for use with plastic(!) and, with my trusty drill in hand (!) I started the construction. Let's just say for now, it's going fine, lots of curly plastic-dust from the drilling, and so far, so good.  Preparation will be everything, I've got thick elastic for suspenders (over the shoulder), and duct tape for rough edges, and we've got a picture or 2 of the little fella himself, so the creative goddess gets up off her chaise longe, wanders over and says to herself  "...invited to a party, you are... son, you shall go to the ball!".

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