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Saturday, 4 February 2012

Radio radio

We switch from two radio stations mostly - BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 4.  We've dabbled with BBC 6 Music (digital), and in the car we add Jack FM and occasionally BBC Radio Oxford.

I much prefer the BBC.  No commercials.  Less interruption.  News on the hour, travel updates on R2 and you feel 'secure' in the mostly impartiality of the news reporting.

The joy of radio is that you can do things whilst listening to it.  TV or rather 'screen-time' is, in the main, less cerebal, and at the same time more demanding of your attention.  I find it (TV/screen-time) quite anti-social and isolating really, unless we've managed to get a family DVD that we can all watch together.

Our radio day goes like this.

6.45am radio alarm wakes us up - usually R2, but occasionally it's been left on R4 so we get Evan Davis interviewing some politician - not a good way to start the day.

6.48am kitchen radio turned on whilst making cups of tea!.  Radio 2, week days, Chris Evans' breakfast show.  Lightweight, energetic upbeat, pop, travel, news and weather, plus chat and some interviews.  Kids nagged through getting ready and having breakfast then dash out to the car at 8am (8.10am realistically, sometimes 8.20am cutting it fine....) and more Radio 2 on the journey to school.

Drop the children off, take Roly for walk, back in the car 9.20am or so, and by now depending on the day I'm ready for Radio 4, so switch stations in the car and drive home.  Home and cup of tea, changing station from Radio 2 to Radio 4 for whatever my day brings.  Working part-time at the Library means I do get to catch quite a bit of good stuff on the radio.  Radio 4's Womens' Hour at 10am-11am is a staple if I'm at home.

Depending on my working pattern if I'm collecting the children from school at 3.45 pm it'll be Radio 4 on the way there, then back to Radio 2 for return home.  However, I really can't stand Steve Wright in the Afternoon (Radio 2, 2-5pm) so this is where we try Jack FM or Radio Oxford or sometimes CD's.  Current favourites are Caro Emerald, Paolo Nuttini and for a bit of variety, Jake Thackeray.

Back in the kitchen preparing supper it's usually Radio 2 again, but usually around 6.30pm I tune back to Radio 4 for the comedy slot and then the Archers.  After the Archers has finished it's Tom's bedtime, so I don't pick up again until 8.30pm or so when I'm tidying the kitchen, and getting things ready for the next day.  Usually Radio 4 but sometimes Radio 2.  Depends on the day.

On retiring to bed around 9.30-10pm the radio is usually switched off (unless in the middle of something exceptional) because I like to read in bed and I absolutely can't read and listen to radio at the same time!

My favourite occupation to do at the same time as radio listening is ironing, closely followed by cooking.  Radio 4 has some just perfect radio plays in the afternoons which is the ideal time to bash out the ironing before setting off for school pick up.

There is usually a radio on somewhere in the house.  I don't like the house to be quiet while I'm in it, I prefer the company of the radio.

So that's my thoughts on the joys of radio.  Long may it reign.

Roly stretching his legs at the Devils' Punchbowl, off the Ridgeway, last weekend...

Tom's bedtime - stories to be read!  It's snowing at the moment, has been since around 4pm ish, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.  The wood-burning stove is lit and it's got a good burn going, the heat is comforting, the curtains drawn, and the radio is on....

Sweet dreams y'all.  Keep it sweet!  Kat.

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