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Monday, 16 April 2012

I confess...

I've put down 'The Story of My Life' by Helen Keller.  If I was American and felt more 'connected' to her then I might have persevered with it, but there's so much else that I wanted to get on and read, so I started Hilary Mantel's 'Wolf Hall' (the 2010 Booker Prize winner).

I started it on Thursday and am 100 pages in already.  I'm really enjoying it, it deserves its big reputation (and it's a big book, 650 pages).  She manages to draw you in, so you're a fly on the wall during the important intrigues of the Tudor period, but the writing is so good, it doesn't feel difficult at all.

I didn't get on with 'History' at school, those many years ago, but this historical drama/fiction/'fact'ion makes me regret my 'lack' of knowledge about history.  I'm trying to make up for it now, and there is much to recommend this book.


So I promised new photos of the hens - we got our two new girls, 'Goldie' and 'Brownie' on Good Friday, so they were Easter Chicks...

They're having a hard time of it at the moment.  The two speckeldy hens, (Tweedledum and Tweedledee) have been asserting their dominance, to settle the pecking order.  This also relates to the going to bed order.  Unfortunately, the Tweedles go in first, and the two brown hens, the new girls are too scared to follow (there have been some skirmishes in the house when the door is closed).  I hoped they would get over this, and they'll have to, but at the moment, come dusk, when I go to close the pop-hole, the two brown hens are sitting on the roof, and I have to manhandle them into the house!

Luckily, they're quite docile so they don't have me running rings round after them, unlike the Tweedles...

Enough.  I need to go to bed.  (I want to read more Wolf Hall!).  Thanks for reading, keep it sweet, Kat.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's good to put down a book that you aren't enjoying...I always feel I have to read everything right to the last sentence. But life is too short and there are so many books that I want to read...I think I should take a leaf out of your book. (pardon the pun!)

    Your hens are beautiful. My husband really would like to have them but I'm allergic to feathers and we live in suburb and I don't think our neighbours would appreciate them. We are looking at allotments though and have noticed that some local ones seem to permit chicken maybe that could be a compromise...

    Have a good weekend
