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Wednesday, 9 May 2012



Balloon deflating......


I don't like a quiet house.  That is to say, I like to listen to the radio (see previous blogs!).  If the house is silent I don't feel comfortable. I like the way the radio is usually always on in the background, seeping into my subconscious and conscious mind, keeping me company, keeping me sane, and sometimes something for me to shout at (if the children aren't here!).

I'm glad I'm back into Radio 4.  But the news is so bad that I'm certain it adds to the burden of everyday stress, which isn't good for my, or anyone else's health.  But it's really the only intelligent radio available, commercial free, and usually impartial in its reporting. If you don't want the news you can avoid it, and it's the delights of the other spoken word programming that I particularly enjoy.  Women's hour, From our own correspondent, the comedy slot at 6.30pm, the afternoon play, the quizzes, the one-off documentary, it's all of life there every day and all the better for that.

Balloon deflating:  I've just left my Women's Institute meeting for this month.  We meet 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30am.  I'm an active member - being the Secretary I have to deliver the notices for the month.  I'm quite irrereverant in my presentation, which I hope makes it more fun, because that's what we're about.

This morning's speaker, Barbara Hately-Broad, told us all about the Changi Quilts - which were made in 1942, WWII by the women interred (by the Japanese) in the Changi prison camp in Singapore.  I'd never heard about them before, but Barbara was passionately informative about the quilts (now held in the archives of the British and Australian Red Cross), and I learnt a lot about embroidery and the previously privileged lives of the women who were imprisoned there.

Next month it's Pat Dogs - dogs which go into hospitals as therapy for patients.  Variety is certainly the spice of life at Wantage WI!.  We've got a website - have a look, you'll get a flavour of what we get up to:

I'll finish here for now, I may get more regular postings going if I schedule it during the daytime!  I'm still reading Wolf Hall - up to page 350, so over half-way.  It's fascinating how the author Hilary Mantel, has got 'into' the characters, they really come to life on the page and I'm impressed by how 'easy' it is to read.

We went to Buscot Park (National Trust, Faringdon) on Monday (bank holiday) and the water gardens were closed due to inclement weather....  here's a photo to whet (all puns intended) your appetite...

TTFN! Kat.

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