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Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Long time no hear...

Sometimes I wonder how we fit so much in!

It's been over a month since I blogged, and it's been hectic!  The reason?  The summer holidays are upon us.

So Phoebe's play went very well, prize giving went very well, Simon was in USA for last week of term, so, I was, obviously, busy!  They broke up on the Wednesday, and then Simon flew back from USA on the Friday, landed Saturday 7.30am, and then we took the overnight ferry to France at 11.30pm that Saturday.

Actually, that was quite good, because, even though I worked that morning in the Library, I had the whole afternoon to pack, and leave the house how I wanted it before we left.  We even had time to stop for supper on the drive down to Portsmouth, and, for once, I was relaxed about travelling!

We sailed to Le Harvre, different ferry service, different times, different port.  But once there it was good to be back.

We're lucky, once in France, to share a 3 bedroom apartment with Simon's brother.  It's on the north coast of Brittany and overlooks a lovely beach.  We all love it, and it really is a home from home.

The weather remained mostly fair, and not too hot, but warm enough for plenty of paddling splashing and digging in the sand...

We also curtailed a trip to see the aquarium at Tregolet (or something like that), and popped into Treguier for lunch.  There we found the curious cathedral which has the pierced spire, but the children didn't want to go inside, and we didn't want to drag them in that time, so the mystery remains...

Treguier, Bretagne, France, July 2012
The trip was short, only a week, and flew by, but was very enjoyable as we'd not been to the flat for a couple of years, with one thing, and another...

On the return journey we sailed from Le Havre again, and had to cross the Pont de Normandie which spans the estuary of the River Seine.   We were delayed by about 20 minutes as the bridge had roadworks on one side, so there was a contraflow in operation.  The upside of this delay was the opportunity to take photographs, as the traffic was stationery or crawling...  quite pleased with these!

and on that note I'll call it!

good night, will try to bring this blog up to date, but we're off to Legoland Windsor tomorrow, so depends on how tired I am after that!

keep it sweet! Kat  :)

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