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Thursday, 21 February 2013


Not been myself lately. Not in a bad way. Just distracted.

I've applied for a job.

It's a full-time thing to apply for a job. To apply.  To apply yourself.  To apply yourself to the task. To apply yourself to the task of applying for a job.

And the thing is, I'm happy in my job at the Library.  Very happy.  But.  My contract ends in September, and even if it's extended the hours will be reduced - guaranteed, Council budget cuts.  This is the dilemma.  There's a chance that my boss there will take early retirement, and, in theory I could apply for her job. Who knows, if things don't fall my way, then I might well do that, if it came to that. And who's to say I'd get the job?

Who's to say I'll get this job?  Don't want to say too much for now in case I jinx it, but I've an informal interview on Wednesday.  When I called to confirm my attendance I asked what an 'informal' interview was. They said they'd had 41 applications, so had selected the strongest 15 to have a quick chat with in order to draw up a formal interview list of 5.  That's how competitive the job market is in 2013!

So, keeping this short, it's time for bed again, and there's a busy week of half-term holidays ahead of me.  Keep it sweet.  Kat :)


  1. Selling a house and trying to find a job are two things that can just take over your daily life. Excruciating...but, usually worth it in the end.

    Good luck then.

    1. thanks e.f. always good to know someone's wishing you luck!
