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Sunday, 7 April 2013

I love the smell of....

(a) .... 'Napalm in the morning'...
(b) .... baking bread ...
(c) .... 2-stroke engine oil / lawnmower smell
(d) .... a new book
(e) .... hens

All of the above?  Who guessed correctly?  Well, if you're a certain age, and a movie-goer, you'll always respond to the prompt 'I love the smell of' with 'Napalm in the morning'.  Apocalypse Now was and remains for me one of the most powerful, all encompassing films I've ever seen.

So, not quite Apocalypse Now then this afternoon when I started up my lawnmower for the first time this year, but the smell of the petrol, the smell from the exhaust, the sound of the engine buzzing.  It almost overwhelmed my senses and screamed 'S-P-R-I-N-G!!!'  At last.

I wasn't the only one.  In the relative quiet of my emptying the grass (and moss) cuttings, I could hear other lawnmowers humming, an urban, suburban and rural unruly orchestra, a distant cacophony of little engines up and down the road, up and down the town, up and down the country, crying out, calling out, marking their territories like some ancient ritual, like the birds singing and the bees buzzing, Spring is finally here.  Yippee.  Everyone mowed today because it's forecast to rain (for a couple of weeks) from Tuesday.............

It took 2 hours.  The first cut always takes a long time, and I'd set the height a good 4-5cms, so not too bold first time, and if the weather allows it'll be a quick trim the next time.  If I were a lawn fanatic I'd do it every weekend, and it wouldn't take too long.  But things happen, weather happens, children (and washing) happens, so the lawn's not as looked after as it should be.  Not the end of the world, I know, but I'd like to spend a bit more time in the garden.  And after the wettest year on record last year, it's not surprising that the neglect my lawn has suffered has turned a good portion of it over to moss.  Still it's green (yellow-ish) and I've other things to do with my time.

So, on a good day, with conditions right, it would normally take 1hr 15 minutes to do the lawn, front and back and orchard. (Get her! she's got an orchard!  The dictionary definition says 4 or more apple trees makes and orchard, and we've got 5, so I've got an orchard.  That's how posh we are!)...

There was a light breeze today, and it was nice LOVELY to be outside.  However, having spent the morning helping out with the White Horse Harriers' Half-Marathon - I was on the refreshments 'crew'- the rest of the day's chores were squashed into what was left of the afternoon. I started the lawn at 4pm, finished  at 6pm and persuaded Simon to collect a Chinese take-away for supper whilst I showered the effects of the lawn-mowing away. Great.  Lovely to have a take-away for a change. Felt I deserved it, and everyone enjoyed it.

Note to self. Next time we get takeaway, after an afternoon spent gardening, don't get the 'Salt and Pepper Beancurd' starter.  The salt stung my wind-chapped lips and I felt like I was suddenly Mick Jagger.

Too tired to write any more, and I've got plenty of vaseline on my lips to calm them down.

Keep it sweet.  Kat  :)

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