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Monday, 30 September 2013

Things they should tell you ..

about writing a blog.

1.  It's a little addictive.  In as much as there's nothing better than spouting forth with your opinions - and it (seemingly) doesn't matter who's listening (reading) or not, because they can't answer back when you're writing.

(Note to self - ALWAYS read what you've written to: a. sanity check. b. sanity check. c. sanity check).

2.  Be careful what you write.  Once you've posted it there's no going back and there's every chance it'll come back to bite you on the bum (and we don't want that - neither literally nor metaphorically).

3.  Don't get hung up on audience figures.  Remember who/why you're writing this for (yourself mainly I suspect).

4.  When audience figures spike unexpectedly it's probably because you put the word 'love' in the title/subject header.  (See last post.  Today's figures have spiked x 87 hits in Indonesia !!! ???).

5.  Enjoy yourself.  If you're having fun writing it, it's likely other people will enjoy reading it.  Well, that's my theory, and I'm sticking to it.

(87 page hits in Indonesia.... really!  Now what's that all about I'd like to know...or on second thoughts, maybe I'd rather not).

Night night y'all.  Kat  :)

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