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Monday, 18 November 2013

The old ebb and flow

of family life - has quietened down for the time-being.

Half-term holidays for working parents aren't in fact holidays. They're a logistical maze of childcare, playdates and pre-booked treats which, in my opinion, should qualify you for a position in military planning and battle tactics.  Phew! Breathes sigh of relief, they're back to school, all quiet now, time to catch up and get 'back to normal'.

Err, not this half-term.  Tom took his completed 'roundhouse' model into school first day back. Then there was Tom's school choir trip to The Royal Albert Hall on 5th November. The 6th November was the Shoebox Appeal day - mustn't ever forget that... Then his Beaver Scout Colony's participation in the Remembrance Sunday parade.  Children in Need day - the BBC appeal that gets every school child to dress up/go in home clothes/wear your pyjamas to school/make a cake/buns/biscuits/buy a cake/buns/biscuits whatever, to raise funds for Children in Need...  and this week.... thankfully, nothing.  Better check the diary... no.  Nothing. P-h-e-w.

So.  To celebrate this hiatus, this lull in all things children, I've blitzed the family ironing mountain.  Dear me, the excitement of it all. Were you sitting down?  Today, to get to the bottom of the pile, I pulled out 3 pairs of Simon's summer shorts.  I think he was still wearing them in October, but couldn't swear to it.

Our nearest neighbour, Mick, had offered me some of his quince with which to make jelly.  So, after washing my car yesterday I took the bucket around to his garden, and gathered half a bucket full. Not having made quince jelly before I'd no idea how many you need.  Half a bucket full weighed 3.5kgs, or 7lbs in old money.

I prepared half of them, simmered for about 2 hours until pulpy and then strained the pulp overnight through a muslin.  Today, I measured the liquid (a meagre 400ml), added sugar, boiled for 10mins and made my first quince jelly.

Quite pleased with the colour, flavour, clarity and set.  Less pleased with the quantity.  It made 1 and a half jars.  I'm considering entering it in the Women's Institute Real Jam Festival in December - it's at Denman College at Marcham, so only 15 minutes away from us.

I'll gather some more fruit to add to the 2kgs I've still got, and will try again tomorrow/Wednesday and next time will endeavour to remove the scum from the top of the jar - will present better that way.  It didn't spoil the flavour any, just the appearance.

But if the pressure of the rest of the family life wasn't ebbing for the moment, I'd not be able to do this with my time.... see how it goes.

TTFN.  Kat.  :)

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