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Saturday, 26 April 2014

Little victories....

firstly, here's the photo of the crop rotation yellow - taken from similar angle to the blog header:

and here's another shot from the other side of the junction looking more towards the left....

I've really grown to like the in-your-face'ness' of this colour intrusion in the spring, and look out for which fields are going to be colour blocked each year...

My next photo shoot will need to be the guttering - I got it done on Thursday, with a couple of trips to Wantage Builders Merchants - plumbers counter.  I've learned over the years that if you want to replace a faulty/broken whatever, then it's usually a good idea to take the item with you.  Be it oven lightbulb, or in this case guttering brackets (I got 5 - to have a couple spare, just in case), and a second trip about 2 hrs later, for a guttering cornerpiece.  The cornerpiece was actually intact, it was the tightening bracket which had snapped with the brittleness of age and the unexpected tampering I was inflicting on it.

Anyhoo, the guttering works just fine now, the gradient's falling the correct way, and the waterbutt is already nearly full with the day of rain we had yesterday.  Little victories indeed....

On Friday we had a letter from Thames Water .... essentially telling us that under their 'Customer Guarantee Scheme' we were entitled to compensation for the flooding we experienced at our premises, and they have credited our account to the tune of 50% of the bill for the year.  Filling in that form was worth it after all.  <Grin!>

Although the victory is minor, it felt good.  I'm curious to see what happens next.  They didn't state in the letter what the compensation related to.  I've actually sent in two forms - for the two incidents - being 6 days of flooding in January, and 11 days of flooding in February.  So I'm watching the post box to see if another letter arrives with more good news!

Off to Faringdon tomorrow for Tom to attend the District Scouts St George's Day Parade - hope the weather stays fine.  If it does I'll be wanting to be getting on with painting the playhouse, but as with everything it can wait.  And if it rains, then there's always the ironing to come home to.

Tom's mouse has turned out to be a bit of an acrobat.  He stands on his exercise wheel, stretches up, and catches hold of the roof bars of his cage/home.  He then starts scurrying along the bars upside down.  He can do this for 10-15 minutes.  We've timed him.  

He's actually not quite as round as that - it's just really difficult to get a good shot of an agile mouse in full scurry.

Nighty night y'all.


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