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Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Hanoi nightlife

At this stage of the holiday/adventure we'd become more confident in going out to eat unchaperoned in the evening.  We found that most of the Vietnamese we encountered could manage some English, either as a courtesy, as we were obviously racially foreigners and English would be a good 'lingua-Franca', or as a safe bet so that they could sell us something.  Either way, we took a taxi ride away from the hotel and found a place to eat, and did a bit of people watching as well.
Street food - noodles

ah.  I love the smell of the durian fruit in the evening

pavement parking seemed pretty normal - a bit hazardous if you're taking everything else in and not looking where you're going...

Cafe-bar in Hanoi, overlooking the Red Bridge in the park

The Huc, meaning Morning Sunlight Bridge - see this link to Wikipedia for more information:

Tom thought the Cafe band were really cool, and they kindly let us take his photo with them.  They were singing covers of blues, R&B songs in English
This was the end of our Vietnamese adventure, but not the end of the holiday.  The next day we took to the sky to fly down to Singapore, which is where R and his family live, and was the reason for us making the trip in the first place.


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