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Monday, 25 June 2012

So it turns out....

... I've got high blood pressure.

Bit of a blow.  I'm not quite 47.  Better to know about it though.

Probably down to stress.  I don't add salt, and we only have crisps/chips 'n' dips every other week, if that.  I'm mainly vegetarian (don't like meat), but do eat fish.  I don't drink.  The rare occasions I've had a drink over last 3-4 years I've not enjoyed it and it's added to my 'menopausal' symptoms (headaches, insomnia, hot flushes, irritability), so, at Christmas, I stopped.  (Feel much better without it to be honest).  I do like a nice piece of cake and cup of tea.  I walk the dog (after school run, you've read about it in previous blogs of mine...).  I'm house-wife, mother, wife (not necessarily in that order).  I'm cutting down on dairy and increasing soya.

Looking back it has been quite stressful.

I mean, 2nd baby at age 40.  (Home birth, brilliant!).  Then, 11 months later, we moved house.  Not just moved house, moved area.  Totally.  Like 75miles distant from support network developed from 1st child's ante natal group.  Oh, yes, and I gave up my job (at RBG, Kew) to move here.  So lost that sense of self.  And we lost my lovely mother-in-law, Verity, to MND within 3 months of us moving house.  And I staggered on through the accumulated grief/stress/rage and doom, because, that's what you do.  When you're the mum.  When things need doing.  And looking back, it seems I don't remember much about it.  And that's probably for the best.

And then when Tom was old enough for school I started to work with my husband, and we struggled to keep the business going, but it sank, and that's when I started to blog, to try to find my voice again, to try to find myself.  And by and by, I went to see my GP, and we found my high blood pressure, and borderline anaemia, (explains why I've been sooooo tired for the last years, and why my feet are cold in bed), which can be addressed.

And looking back I didn't know it at the time, but it was quite stressful.  So, now I'm taking the pills, and some iron supplement, and feeling much better!  But the late nights of the weekend are catching up, and although I could quite happily have gone to bed an hour ago, there's still a hen up and I can't go to bed until they're safely tucked away and locked in for the night... 

We had a manic weekend again.  Richard over from Singapore (not seen him for 4 yrs or so), and other visitors as well.  Cooking, child-minding/entertaining, dog walking, laundry, car wash, work at the library, and not necessarily in that order!

No time to read Wolf Hall.  I'm still round about page 500.  This is why I daren't take long books out of the library.  I can read 10 pages a night, most, before I'm asleep!  And, on the insomnia front.  I think the stress levels are improving, and the sleep is as well.  To those fellow insomniacs out there, it may help to talk.  It did for me.

TTFN.  Kat  ;)

My English country garden, early May.

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