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Thursday, 5 July 2012

End of year report... of a middle-aged mum!

I'm writing this early, as next week, when the children 'break-up' (I know it's too early, but that's what you get for sending your children to prep/private school), it'll be much too busy to think...

Things have changed a lot since last year.  I mean, a LOT.

Last summer we were in the throes of the business going down.  It's still difficult to think about it, such a lot of effort, emotion, time and everything, was lost.  And it was incredibly difficult to go through that, and it not to have an effect on us all.  And it was incredibly difficult to go through Christmas with us both effectively redundant....  

I heard on 23rd December that I'd got the job at Grove Library, but the starting date didn't come until mid-January.  Simon went through a very rigorous interview process with interviews at various 'levels' in UK and USA, and started his new job 1st March.  But from mid-October when the Administrators were called in, until 1st March, we were living in limbo.  And that's a cruel kind of hell.

At the same time, before, during and after, I'd been having my 'menopausal' symptoms.  The stress of the situation probably exacerbated things, but essentially I wasn't sleeping (well, I was going to bed early ~ 9.30pm ~ because I knew I'd be awake during the night, and would wake 2, 3 and 4 times and struggle to go back to sleep, and then feel robbed in the morning when the alarm went off).  And being  tired all the time made it very difficult to feel positive...

Going through the process of choosing which senior school to send Phoebe to.  And worrying whether we could afford it if staying in private sector.

Going through the process of objecting to the planning application to build 24 (reduced to 18) houses on the field behind our house.  Yes, it's NIMBYism (Not In My BackYard), but there were valid planning objections, such as drainage, but not the least is that the field is the border of the local Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and as such should not be developed.  'We' were over-ruled at appeal.

And, we were struggling in our marriage, for all the above reasons, and some private ones, and feeling like we didn't want the same things, like were drifting apart....  ANYHOO,  New Year, new start....  We've both got new jobs.  We've had relationship counselling, and things are improving.  

Phoebe sat entrance exams for 2 private schools, and was offered places at both.  We accepted the place at her preferred school when we knew Simon had a job offer.  

I've learnt from some health-checks this year that I've got high blood pressure, probably as a result of the accumulated stress.  I've also learnt that I'm borderline anaemic (probably from my menopausal symptoms, which explains why I felt sooooo tired for much the last 2 years), and I should probably work on my reducing my cholesterol level (5.2).  I'm making changes to my pescatarian  (fishy-vegetarian) diet - more iron, soya, lentils, spinach and chickpeas.  Some eggs, more oily fish, more oats, apples, fruit and veg(!) and no alcohol (not a huge loss, I'd been 'drinking' less and less for much of  the last 3 - 4 years anyway) less dairy.  I'm on tablets for the blood-pressure.  And I'm trying not to be so hard on myself.


Looking forward, things are getting better, and I'm feeling more energised from better diet.  Sleeping better, and, if I do wake up, I generally get back to sleep.  Walking the dog is my exercise - I'm the main one in charge of his exercise, as I'm usually the one around who can do it regularly.  Although we do like to walk him 'en famille' at the weekends (if the children aren't too grouchy)...

Still reading 'Wolf Hall'.  Want to finish it now. It takes me a long time to read, and I've been distracted by low cholesterol cookery books, and such like...  time to put the hens to bed.

Marks for the end of year report.?  I'd give it a cautious 7/10, with room for improvement, but compared to last year, that's a whole lot better!

TTFN.  keep it sweet.  Kat

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