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Thursday, 17 January 2013

I can't ....

skip a meal.

Well, if I had to...  if lives depended on it...  if circumstances dictated, then, I daresay I could. But I'd be very cross about it.  It would be a very big sense of humour failure....  I get very grumpy if my mealtime deviates, if my routine is changed, if my planning is mucked about....  Because I can feel my blood sugar dropping, my energy sapping, my joie-de-vivre no longer vivre-ing.

How long have I been like this?  As long as I can remember.

It's not usually a problem.  I wake up, and usually my kind husband has made me a cup of tea to have in bed before the mayhem of the day begins.  (He was a quick learner... and he's usually up first during the week).  So I get my breakfast by 8am (usually a chopped up apple with fruit and fibre cereal with soya milk and a sprinkle of linseeds), do the school run and dog walk, then around 10.30am a cup of tea and a healthy snack, handful of nuts or a banana.

I'm thinking of lunch well before noon. I'm not hungry as such, just thinking, planning, calculating, balancing.  What did I have yesterday, what's in the fridge? sort of thoughts... so lunch usually around 12.30pm.  1pm is pushing it, 1.30pm is late and 2pm would see me biting you, or at the very least snapping your head off until I'd eaten and calmed down...  Also, my work routine dictates that I should have eaten by then as I work 2-5pm (2-7pm Monday) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays...

I'll need a snack mid afternoon 'everything stops for tea at three', so a nice cuppa tea again, and if I missed my banana in the morning, then it's banana or, naughtily, a biscuit at work.

Come the evening the routine is dictated by school pickup time, so I've finished work, driven to collect Tom and get home around 6pm.  By which time food is all I can think of.  Firstly to feed the children quickly, usually a simple sandwich, or something on toast, or left-overs - they should both have had a cooked meal at school.  Once they're done, if I'm not starving, and haven't sneaked a piece of toast with them to take the edge off the hunger pangs, then I can focus on what I'm cooking either for  myself, or for me and Simon.

A couple of nights a weeks Simon trains with the White Horse Harriers, so isn't in until gone 8pm, and won't eat before as he can't run on a full stomach.  However, I can't wait until he gets back, 6.30pm is my aim, 7pm is pushing it, 7.30pm is late, and 8pm I'd be snapping his head off.....

So this all goes to explain why I didn't go to Phoebe's school parents' evening tonight, which started at 6.30pm.... because I'd have been distracted.!!!

Varied the dog walk this morning.  Back into the routine of taking Roly round the Folly in Faringdon, but nipped down hill round the 'new' cricket/rugby ground/field. Gives a different perspective on the Folly which is sporting it's light on top - left on since Christmas, and I understand from the local press that it's staying for 3 months, making it the only inland lighthouse in the country.  Apparently it's sending out 'f' and 't' in morse code to represent 'folly tower'.  Whenever I see it on school run in the dark evening sky it's a pleasing addition, but I'm mainly watching the road as I'm driving, and I've no idea about the morse code..

Faringdon Folly Tower from the cricket ground
The cloud cover today was high but heavy, burdened with the forecast snow which has been trying to fall all day.

There were some lovely frozen puddles, this one reminded me of a clam shell...

And saw the first gorse of the season..

                                                         ........ a welcome splash of colour in the grey of the impending storm!

So, as I write this evening it's snowing and the local forecast is for heavy snow overnight, with significant disrpution to travel.  Both school websites will have status updates to check in the morning, and as my boss travels 20 miles to work I'm not expecting to see her tomorrow.... we'll play it by ear tomorrow and see what happens.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, I finished reading 'One Day' by David Nicholls a couple of weeks ago. Really enjoyed it, although I normally steer clear of 'bestsellers'.  Well crafted, believable flawed characters who we revisit on 15th July each year from 1988 until 2008.  A good twist at the end, and I'd happily recommend it, in fact I already have to someone at the library.   

I've been 'slumming' it with 'All balls and glitter, my life' by Craig Revel Horwood - the strict judge on Strictly Come Dancing.  I've got Julian Barnes' 'The Sense of an Ending' waiting in the wings, and I may just move onto that, as I think I've got the gist of the CRH book now.

Right, time for bed. ttfn. Kat

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