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Saturday, 12 January 2013

On loyalty

My head has been turned.

I've been harbouring a secret yearning for a while.  I've tried to ignore it. The practicalities are inconcievable.

And where do my loyalties truly lie? Well. Roly's safe - for the time being.

I bought this week's copy of Country Life (get her, lives in the country and thinks she's posh now!) because of the cover stars.

I've fancied Irish Terriers for a while now. This cover photo blew me away, so I bought a copy...

They've turned my head, and Simon's thinking we'll get a puppy as soon as....  but.  There's Roly.

Time for research.

Roly's 10 yrs old. How do the practicalities of a puppy with an old dog work?  Will need to read more about the Irish Terriers.  They sound a real character.  Apparently they're not good on recall, and they love to dig, and they're escape artists as well, so the garden will need to be extra dog proofed...

But, I think they'll be the heir to Roly. Not sure could handle two off them though. And you'd have to give them an Irish name.  So here's to dreaming about the future. Roly's safe for now, and when his time comes we have a successor in the wings.

And they don't shed hair...

On that note I'll go back to my country porn(!) and lust after a younger model. So sorry. Hope you're not upset. Roly's here by the woodburning stove, curled up in his favourite place, and long may he last.

TTFN. Kat :)

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