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Monday, 20 May 2013

Goody Two Shoes

I quite often find the refrain from the Adam and the Ants song 'Goody Two Shoes' in my head...

.... 'Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do? Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do? Subtle innuendos follow, must be something inside..'.

Not because I especially like or dislike the song, nor because it's particularly catchy, and it's certainly not played on the radio much, if at all these days.  Why then?  Because I don't drink, and I don't smoke.  And the experiment at the weekend (1 x G&T with the Eurovision, see previous blog) has strengthened my commitment to the not drinking.  I think it's partly an age thing (I'm definately peri-menopausal, and the abstinence from alcohol helps reduce certain of the symptoms).

I also think it's partly a parent thing.

In that, since becoming a mother I rejected alcohol whilst pregnant  - obviously.  My body was going through enough change without alcohol being thrown in on top and the potential for damage to the foetus wasn't something I was prepared to risk.  When they were babies I couldn't contemplate mixing alcohol with breast feeding.  Then in the early years you're so tired, that there wasn't any energy left to either enjoy a tipple, or feel relaxed from it.  Frankly I was a bit neurotic about being drunk in charge of a child - what if you needed to drive in an emergency and you were over the limit? so it seemed easier to leave it out of the picture.

Also, having children in later life (35, and 40), and with a 5 year age gap, meant that it's taken a long while for me to feel that it may be OK to have a little drink .... and then that was when my body (because of my age???) reacted badly to alcohol and rejected it for me. Typical!

Fine.  So I don't drink.  I also don't smoke.  Dabbled, experimented, tried it in my late teens, early twenties, and frankly, didn't much like it, thought it smelt vile and it seemed an enormous waste of money...  and I'm of the same opinion now.

So this all begs the questions.... 'What do you do?'.


I feel a whole new blog coming on!

Keep it sweet y'all! Kat :)

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