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Sunday, 12 May 2013

Oops! ....

'I did it again', as Britney Spears might say.

Browsing the charity shop bookshelves in Faringdon last week, I got 6 books for £2.

Two by Peter Lovesey: Stagestruck and Skeleton Hill.

Not my sort of thing, thought Simon might give him a try. If he's not impressed I can always donate them to the Library.

There was a pristine copy of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce -
I really enjoyed reading it, so have sent it in the post to my Mum for her to take on holiday with her....

Then I was taken with the cover and blurb of this non-fiction/science book:
"The Monarch is the only butterfly to migrate the way birds do, yet nobody knows how they do it.  Four Wings and a Prayer tells of the quest to trace the journey of the Monarch as it flies up to three thousand miles across North America, from Canada, through the United States, to a small mountainside in Mexico - and back again."

Finally two more, one author I like, and one I've seen in the Library and have been wanting to try:

 Curiosity got me with this one, and if I'm not engaged I'll donate it to the Library...

This one I do want to read.  I usually get on well with Sebastian Faulks, and this modern one sounds like a good read.... "Sweeping, satirical, Dickensian in scope, A Week in December is a thrilling state of the nation novel from a master of literary fiction".

What's not to like?  Kat:)

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