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Friday, 12 July 2013

Summer holidays

There's so much to do, and I'll not have time to blog for the next week or so, so I thought I'd gather my thoughts before the onslaught of busy-ness.

Both of our children have now finished school for the summer holidays.  We're about 10 days earlier than the local (state) schools, and as the childcare/holiday clubs won't start until the main summer holidays we're off to France.

Those of you who've read my blogs before (see Cardiff) will know what feelings I'm going through at this stage of the proceedings.  My mind is going 10 to the dozen, I'm writing a list, planning what to pack, how many books will Phoebe need, has Tom got batteries for his portable CD player so he can listen to his audio books on the journey, don't forget the swimming things, sun-cream, passports, tickets, overnight stuff for the ferry, and apart from preparing the things we need to take I've also to consider how the house is left, as my parents, thankfully, are coming to house-sit/dog-sit/hen-sit/vegetable-water.  It'll be fine as soon as we're at the ferry-port tomorrow night...

In the meantime I've a staff meeting at the Library, work this afternoon and tomorrow morning, my parents arriving today so bedding need to be changed, and new beds made up, Tom to entertain/keep busy, dog to walk, washing to put on/out/take in, ironing/vacuuming/clean the bathroom (if I get the chance).  Phoebe's been visiting with my parents this week, so there's less friction (between the children) than usual, and therefore less pressure, obviously.

The heat-wave which the country is enjoying at the moment is a lovely welcome bit of summer and sunshine (which this country doesn't usually get), and as it was entirely absent last year people are making the most of it, which is good to see.  Will it be gone by the school summer holidays?

Working in this weather has its drawbacks, and for me the dilemma is where to park at work.  This is governed as much by where are the available spaces as it is by choice, and the choice is this:  in the shade near the trees or in the open, away from the trees?

Why does parking near to the trees result in cars being covered in that sticky stuff?  How does it get there from the tree?  Is it damaging?  What's the optimal distance from the tree/shade area to benefit from keeping the car cool and avoid the stickiness?  Does leaving your windows open a bit help?

I shouldn't complain, but my little car doesn't have air-conditioning, and I've been baking hot in it this last week..

Meantime, here's a photo from last weekend, when we visited my parents to celebrate my Mum's 70th birthday.  A large family gathering/BBQ/party was held and it was lovely to see everyone together for that. My husband usually runs on Sunday morning, and last weekend he decided to run up Pendle Hill - the local landmark.  Apparently his run included a 350m climb in the 6.7 miles he clocked on his running watch.  Here's the view:

from Pendle looking towards Longridge (according to my father, so called because Oliver Cromwell said: 'that's a long ridge'...)
Have a good week, TTFN,
Kat  :)

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