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Monday, 1 July 2013

If only

the funny money we used at the local school PTA's dinner and casino(!) was real.

A good entertaining evening and I'd bought FM2500 to help the fund-raising. The deal was that there would be prizes for the most funny money (FM) 'won', but as there wasn't a gambling licence they could only award prizes.  So it turned out that after a dalliance with the dice, it was the BlackJack table that lured me in.

I was losing quite well before the meal, and then, all of a sudden, it was 10.15pm and the announcement came over the PA that the 'casino' closed at 10.30pm.  By this time it was all I could do to find a spot at the table!

I changed my FMs for chips(!) and got BlackJack on my first hand.  Grin.  Simon popped by and said I'd better use up his FMs as well, so I changed that and 6 hands later had amassed FM4420 which went on the last hand...  Would you have done that in real life?  Deep joy, the last hand dealt was Jack of Spades, then Ace of Hearts...  BlackJack again!!!  Winnings = FM11050.  Nice.  The excitement was genuine, and the fun immense.

If only it had been real....  dreams.....  Anyhoo.  The winning lady who had amassed most FMs (54000) got box chocs and bottle bubbly, and the winning gent (same prize) had only achieved FM10300.  What does this tell us about the sexes I wonder???

So I took a photo of my winning hand, chips down before the cash-in, and obviously the camera shake was entirely due to my palpitations!

You could call me Krazy Kat from now on if you wanted to! :)  night night y'all.

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