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Sunday, 23 March 2014

Swimming through treacle

I try not to analyse things to much.  Emphasis on the word 'try'.

In as much as there's usually so much going on that it's impossible to think, the juggling of which child needs uniform ironing for tomorrow, balanced by the pleasure of spending time with friends for lunch today, the 2 hours spent in the garden yesterday actually digging, versus mopping the kitchen floor, the google this website to find a fitted wardrobe kit that's not extortionately priced, against sitting down to write this blog, complain to Thames Water, remember to buy Tom's cubs uniform ready for his 'swim up' on Wednesday, and on top of all this, I'm working every day this week (not full-time, but the commitment's there, and the travelling), and have a meeting with my County Councillor on Thursday (flood related), followed by a meeting with Tom's teacher at his new school (not related).

And to cap it all, it's my father's 80th birthday on Tuesday, with a family get together on Saturday, which for us means a 3hr drive up to Lancashire on Friday night to spend time there, so as like as not, I'll be tired and emotional before the celebrations begin!

So writing a blog can become another thing to do rather than my escape, my place to explore or wander freely through the thoughts that come and go and the more, or less, significant events that I choose to record here.  And often a lot can be read into the insignificant....

They've started to knock down the house next to us in preparation for the building development on the field behind us.  They're doing it mostly by hand so far, and have been very polite when I've asked them are they likely to have a bonfire because I'd like to hang my washing out, and they confirmed that no bonfires are allowed, and they hope that's allright, which of course it is.  And of course it isn't because the development shouldn't have been overturned/over-ruled/allowed by the inspector, but planning is a tricky thing which doesn't allow for things to stay the same as they need progress and progress is good, isn't it?

Call me a luddite if you like, but I've yet to be convinced that progress for its own sake is a good thing.  Is this an age thing?  Why can't things stay as they are?  Maintain an equilibrium? Keep a steady balance? Not upset the apple cart?

I know why, but don't support it.  It's the consumerist society, the built-in obsolescence, the cheap food and cheap clothes, the generation with no values who want everything and value nothing, and don't get me started on that again!

So, I was digging my garden yesterday, and the joy of that is it costs nothing.  Well, I bought a gardening fork when we moved here 7 years ago, and was given the spade, but, apart from the sweat (and pink gardening gloves) it cost me nothing (not including the mortgage, of course)...

And the joy of digging in my garden.... even though I was putting right the part of the vegetable patch which had suffered in the sewage flooding in January and February, and parts of it didn't smell quite right, not bad, but not quite as it should... if you know what I mean.... the joy of just digging, and weeding, and pulling the crouch grass roots (yes, I mean crouch grass, because you have to crouch to get to them, and they may also be called couch grass, just so you know that I know), and making a pile, the satisfaction was purely in being in the moment, no radio, no distraction, just the breeze and the birdsong, and the sound of the crowd cheering on the Wantage Town Football Club game, no pressure, no demands, no thoughts to bother me, no distractions, no choices, no analysis.  Freedom. Which is good for the soul, and fresh air and exercise, which is good for the body.

Nuff said.

Night night, y'all.


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