My, it comes round so quickly again. Last year Tom was dressed up as the Saucepan Man from Enid Blyton's 'The Magic Faraway Tree'. This year things have got a bit more up to date, and we chose the Tom Gates series of books by Liz Pichon.
Just a couple of the Tom Gates book covers, and their fabulous creator, Liz Pichon.
I have to admire these books for their zest for life, the verve, the sassiness, humour, true to life-ness and gorgeous illustrations, and the fact that they get boys to read them. Many commendations and thanks to Liz Pichon then.
So, in honour of the above I embellished a plain white t-shirt, thus,
So this morning, Tom's ready to be his hero....
And he was the only Tom Gates in his class (in the school, actually). In his class there were 4 Harry Potters (so last century!), 1 x Captain Underpants, 1x Dirty Bertie, and several witches (Worst Witch, Hermione Granger), 1 x Minnie the Minx and the rest, I forget.
I've been busy making biscuits for Tom's Beaver Colony/Scout Group to sell at the market on Saturday.
And, it seems the story in the newspaper isn't going to be linked to their website, so I've taken a photo of it for posterity!
Bed time again, I've been working extra hours this week, in Witney and Grove Libraries, and I've still got Friday and Saturday to go. I'm in Wantage and Faringdon on Monday as well, then should slow down a bit. Mustn't grumble, it's good to be getting extra hours - the contract change equates to a loss of 16 hours over a month, so the pay packet was a bit lower than I've been used to of late.
Night night y'all.
Just a couple of the Tom Gates book covers, and their fabulous creator, Liz Pichon.
I have to admire these books for their zest for life, the verve, the sassiness, humour, true to life-ness and gorgeous illustrations, and the fact that they get boys to read them. Many commendations and thanks to Liz Pichon then.
So, in honour of the above I embellished a plain white t-shirt, thus,
Preparation is everything, thank goodness for the 'enlarge' feature on the printer in the study... |
Quite pleased with the effect, if I say so myself! |
The hair is intentionally gelled to the side, a la Tom Gates.... |
I've been busy making biscuits for Tom's Beaver Colony/Scout Group to sell at the market on Saturday.
And, it seems the story in the newspaper isn't going to be linked to their website, so I've taken a photo of it for posterity!
I've no idea how to rotate this image in blogger, sorry, you'll just have to tilt your head or device.. |
Night night y'all.
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