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Sunday, 13 July 2014

Fighting is futile

I'm fed up of all the fighting in the world.  In Syria, Gaza, Israel, Afghanistan, Somalia, and all the rest.  I'm fed up of hearing about it on the news.  Not because I don't care, but because I can't understand why they keep on fighting.  Surely by now they'd have realised that fighting is futile.  It gets you nowhere.  Surely they'd have learned the lessons of the past.... especially in this centenary year of WWI.  But no.  The 'big men' with their 'big guns' and their 'big penises' (in their minds, no doubt) want to keep shooting because it makes them feel good to avenge...

Essentially there are no winners, so why don't they all just stop (the game) and put their toys (guns) away?  Because they're men, full of testosterone, full of pride, intent on destruction, and if they can't win themselves, then no-one else will either.

It all seems such a waste.  As a woman, and mother, I can't understand this caveman urge to anahialate your opponent.  (It appears I can't spell it either...).  And I'm certain that's where it stems from - a primitive need to oppress your foes, to dominate the tribe, to reign supreme.  But at what cost?

Women could not and would not willingly fight to the death over something as insignificant as a piece of land.  Why?  Because it is in our nature to nuture.  We carry the infant internally and externally, and we know the true price of life because of this.  Our viewpoint of the world is intrinsically different to that of our male (soul)mates, but all our needs (love, food, shelter), are the same.

I am lucky to live where I do, and when I do.  I have never known the horror of war nor the sorrow, misery and hardship that people living in war-torn areas do.  And maybe I would feel differently if my circumstances were such that I was trapped in such a place and time.  And yet.  I am troubled by the part that the women in these parts of the world play - or maybe is it just that we don't hear of it other than they become refugees and downtrodden and victimised and worse.  Because in my heart I cannot believe that women would have so little influence over their men.  So little sway, so little caring as to allow their men to go from them, to leave them, to prefer to fight with the boys than stay at home and make love with their wives, girlfriends or mistresses.  To stay at home and watch their children grow.  To stay at home, live life, make memories, and grow old together.  Because by fighting none of this can happen.

So why don't they all just stop.  Like children.  Stop fighting and apologise.  Stop fighting and tidy up.  Stop fighting and start living.  Stop fighting each other, and start striving - to make the world a better place, for all our children.


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