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Sunday, 6 July 2014


So, if I could pick my Desert Island Discs tonight I'd choose:

Pixies - Gigantic (or Surfa Rosa, probably Gigantic)
Paolo Nuttini - Pencil Full of Lead
Caro Emerald - Riviera Life
Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter (or Brown Sugar, or Sympathy for the Devil)
The Smiths - This Charming Man
Yousou 'nDour - Rubber Band Man
Lou Reed - Perfect Day
Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi

This is a game/format/theme that could run and run.... enough!


So, how does my garden grow?  Well, thankfully, because we're in lovely rural Oxford, and the weather's been fair, it's all growing really nicely, thank you.  Too well in places (ahem, there are more than a few weeds in the vegetable patch).  It's trying to keep on top of it all that's the kicker.  If I mow the lawn, I can't trim the hedge.  When I trim the hedge, I can't weed the veg patch, and so on.

I've been watching my lovely richly scented red rose bush with it's 5 buds developing...  The pictures speak for themselves.... Lush, in my opinion, anyway.





There was a 'fun day' to promote play for children (?!!!) in the park yesterday.  I toodelled over there with Tom, and, since he now goes to the local school, we met a friend of his there, Daved.  The mobile Library van was there, stalls from various youth and sports projects, and everything was free.  The boys got stuck into the laserguns (doh, obviously), and ended up at the face painting stall.  Daved painted Tom.  This is the result.  8-yr old boys, eh.

If you've been wondering about my greenhouse, here's tonight's picture, after watering.  5 tomato plants, 6 sweet peppers and 1 aubergine. Lush.

These are the hollyhocks I 'guerilla gardened' in the derelict land (awaiting development) behind us. I'm quite taken with the colour of these - they do vary from year to year, but these are very pleasing.  I haven't figured out how to take a good photo of them yet, but I wanted to share the colour of them here.  I'll keep trying until I get something I'm happy with.

It's been another busy one, so I'll call it a night. Well, I say I'll call it a night.  That depends on the hen.  The dominant hen, 'Brownie' is a real night owl - at the moment she's not usually gone in until 10.15pm, and then if there's a clear sky and a moon, she's still been out peedelling around, until 10.30pm.   She's making me tired.

Keeping it sweet!  Kat :)

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