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Friday, 14 June 2013

A taste of things to come...

A week ago I took my car for its service and MOT certificate. This being my new (second-owner) car, and a Skoda, I took it to the dealer I bought it from in Oxford.  I arrived as planned at 10am and when asked where the service book was I told him he was lucky to have me and the car, seeing as I'd already driven my son to school in Faringdon, walked the dog, put the washing out and the dishwasher on...

When he said the car would be ready around 4pm, I told him that wasn't what I'd agreed on the phone, I needed to be away from Oxford by 3pm at the latest, so I could collect my son from school and take him to Beavers (Scouts for the 6-8yr old age range) at 4.30pm.  He said he'd see what he could do, and would phone me when ready, so off  I tootled on the bus down the Abingdon Road and into Oxford itself.

I've not done anything like that for years.  In so much as I've usually always got one or both children with me, or even the whole family in tow, and under those circumstances you can't please yourself...

Under these circumstances I could please myself, and it felt .... good.

I popped into the Town Hall for a 'free-wee' as I call it.  It's always good to know where you can use a public convenience without having to pay to use it.  You can always go to a cafe/Costa/Starbucks (whose bucks???) and pay for drink and a wee, but I prefer not to.  In the Town Hall in Oxford you now also find The Oxford Museum, which has been squeezed by budget cuts into two rooms, but gives you a flavour of the place and is worth a visit.  The volunteer on the desk was very knowledgeable and I had a good interesting chat with him - and since there were no children to distract me I found out quite a bit!

Next I pottered over to St Mary's Parish Church, which had recently had renovations and where the stained glass windows really sparkled with colour.  This dates from medieval times and is free to visit, and also holds concerts when not in use for worship.  Whilst not having any faith myself I am drawn to visit churches or ancient monuments and can temporarily feel a sense of light or lightness if you will.    This I put down to previous spirits that have visited that space and I can feel a connection but no calling.

Passing by the Radcliffe Camera I spotted the Bodleian Library, and popped in as my WI had been on the tour, but I'd been unable to join that trip that time.  I managed to get myself onto the standard tour at 11.30am, and spent a happy hour in the company of 8 strangers and a very well informed and enthusiastic guide.  I'd recommend a visit there if you've not done it.

After a quick bite to eat at a cafe I popped into Debenhams for another 'free wee' and then, as the weather was nice (!) thought I'd walk back along the Abingdon road to the garage to wait for my car.  All done and dusted by 3pm, and although I was much poorer after paying for the service, I'd relished my day of freedom....  I think I'll be able to get used to it once the children leave home.... in about 10-15 years!

Keep it sweet.  :)  Kat.

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