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Sunday, 9 June 2013

One of these days my dog is going to wear my shoes...

.. no, really.  It might happen.  When I take Roly for his morning walk after dropping Tom at his school, I often change my shoes for my wellies.  I keep my wellies in the back of the car where Roly sits to travel.  I put my shoes into the back of the car, take Roly for his walk, and then when we get back to the car I usually encourage him into the car first (to prevent him from roaming on the road) before changing back into my shoes.  There have been several times when he's nearly landed in my shoes as he jumps in....

So, there's almost been too much going on to have time to put finger to keyboard and keep the old blog up to date...

Back at the end of May half-term holiday we took the children to the Hay Literary Festival.  Hay in a day!  Hay on Wye.  Near Wales.  In a day.  2hrs 15mins there (and back), and a lovely time we had when we were there, but sadly forgot to take my camera...  Managed to see Rob Easterman's show/lecture 'Maths for Mums and Dads' which was entirely family friendly, and had Tom (age 7) and Phoebe (age 12) on the edge of their seats and totally engaged (in maths) for 45 minutes. Ditto Mum and Dad.  Well done that man!

I took the children to Legoland Windsor for the last time on our annual passes - a week before their expiry date.  Interestingly, although it's incredibly popular it does look tired, faded, jaded, worn out in places.  A victim of its own success, the queues are off-putting, and I can't afford an annual pass for everyone again this year.

Simon took the children to the RAF Museum at Hendon, North London on the Friday - I was working. They seem to have had a good time there, and it's free entry, so worth knowing about.

Here are some photos from my garden, the Spring has sprung, and everything's looking lovely, if I do say so myself...

Peony, Iris, Aqueligia (sp?) Apple Blossom, Tulips. The Hollyhocks are going to be strong as usual, and I do covet a Lilac and would love some Lupins - sadly, I've not managed to get them right yet, I call them slug food....

Early night tonight.  Happy summer!  Kat  :)

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