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Thursday, 27 June 2013

She walks like...

There's a catchy song on the Radio 2 playlist that is driving me mad with the shallow lyrics and the mindlessness that attaches to them...

'Walks Like Rihanna' by The Wanted has a chorus with the following lines:

She can't sing, she can't dance but who cares
She walks like rihanna
She can't sing, she can't dance but who cares
She walks like rihanna

EXCUSE ME!!  Who cares?  I do.  This is not the aspiration I want young people to look up to.

This throw-away pop song with the very catchy tune, I could sing it to you now, my 7 year old son sings it in the back seat of the car on the way to school, my almost 70 year old mother knew it when I mentioned it to her on the phone, the catchy ear-worm, that stays in you head, no matter how much you want to get rid of it ... is re-inforcing the sexist agenda, infiltrating our sub-conscious, messing with our heads, devaluing our girls, sending the message that women are worthless unless they fit the media dominated stereotype, that plastic made-up made-over everyday pornographic ideal, with high heels, perfect nails, fake tan, WAG wannabe, barbie-doll looks ... and no brain.

Excuse me.  Who cares?....  I do.


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