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Sunday, 25 March 2012

The lesson for today

Take care when removing staples using red-handled pliars.  I took advantage of the weather to finally get around to repairing the fencing for the hens.  Unfortunately, it now looks like I've undergone an initiation  rite for a Chinese triad or some such other gang ritual... and that was with my gardening gloves on!

We've been basking in the glorious weather, the trees are slowly catching up with the spring blooms, the  forsythia is now garishly brightening the hedgerows hereabouts, and we had a lovely walk along the Ridgeway between Gamps Hill and the Devil's Punchbowl.

You'd never believe it was 25th March, the weather was summertime warm (see below!), hopefully not another early 'summer' like last year/April/Easter, then a total waste of time for July/August, which is when you want the good weather really...

Whilst on the walk we spotted these sorry looking fellows - we think it's a warning to other moles not to pop their heads up on the gallops...

Not really a lot to report this week - worked a full week at the library last week, so catching up on the chores at home and trying to make headway with the gardening... here's the latest shot of our mum-to-be 'Robin'.  She's still there, so hopefully there will be some good news to report later this week!

Going to get an 'early' night and catch up with my book.  Thanks for reading! Keep it sweet, Kat.

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