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Sunday, 4 March 2012

A public apology!

I'm sorry.  I must apologise to Faringdonians for leaving behind Roly's business last Thursday.  It was foggy.  Very foggy.  I mean, REALLY foggy.  I almost lost the dalmation - thank goodness for his spots!

Here's the thing.  I drop the kids off at school, and then take Roly for our morning constitutional around the big Folly Field.  The outer circuit of Faringdon's lovely beauty spot/architectural blight (depends on your point of view, and I've spoken to people whilst dog walking there who have polar opposite opinions on the Folly..) takes around 20 mins in a hurry, and 30 mins at a leisurely pace/stopping to chat, and is the perfect place to let your dog do what dogs do best - roam free.  Off lead.  Sniffing, darting, hunting, trailing, jigging, zigging, darting again, hither and thither, back and beyond, off lead, the call of the wild, the call of the dog, the freedom to just ...  be.

Faringdon Folly
And to poo.

So, normally, when Roly's doing his business, he's run on ahead to find the perfect spot.  How he judges this one can only ... well, do we really have to wonder what goes on in head?  And I'm trailing behind, huffing and puffing in his wake, trying to triangulate in my head the exact spot where the deposit has been made.  Sometimes I'll find it straight away, and sometimes the blade of grass, the errant weed, the twig, bush (bird, no, that's silly, even for me!) or whatever I've used to take my bearings, will have moved by the time I've got there, and it can take a good while to do the right thing, and scoop the poop.

And that's all well and good excepting for brown leaves.....  OMG.  The minutes of my life I've spent looking for poop in leaves.  And, honestly, I'll say that sometimes, it gets left behind....  If I'm feeling particularly guilty about not finding what I seek, and I see another dog's poop, I may scoop that instead and call the slate clean, so to speak.

Misty morning from Folly Hill

So, sorry for last Thursday Faringdon, but with all the fog I couldn't triangulate (love that word!!!) on anything, and by the time I'd got near to where I thought it was, the dog, and the world, had blurred away, and I couldn't find a thing.

Can't stay long with you tonight.  I'm onto the last 3 chapters of The Ghost Road, and determined to finish it tonight!  I've got my quiz for the WI done today, which leaves me tomorrow and Thursday to create a Treasure Hunt birthday party clue set for Tom's 6th birthday party on 11th March (his b-day is the 12th).  Not panicking (how do you spell that word??), yet!!!

Love you and leave you, thanks for reading, keep it sweet!  Kat

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