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Tuesday, 20 March 2012


I can't remember if I said that I'd noted the first sign of Spring (more than a few weeks ago...) the first postman of the season in shorts...  Well, apart from the obvious natural signs of spring which are, predictably, springing up all around, today I heard my first ice-cream van jingle.  Yikes!

But I promised photos of my planters, so here they are:

Of the two photos this is the sharper, so imagine another of these planters to the left of the door... Quite effective for plastic!

Did you say GroundForce?  Well, I was thinking of applying, but I'm busy at the Library these days, you know how it is.

Simple scheme - lavender (grey to match planter) and pansies.  Overspill pansies in refreshed pots.  Blue theme ticking the boxes methinks.

So, onto more important matters.

Robin.  Let's call him/her 'Robin'.  Still sitting on the clutch.  Don't show this photo to any cats you know!!!

I've consulted my bird book.  It states:  'Nesting nests in low cover, but will use all sorts of 'artificial' sites.  Usually 4-6 eggs, incubated for 13-14 days, the young flying at 12-14 days'. (The Guinness Book of Woodland Birds, Michael Everett)

So day 2 since I found them, don't know how long they've been there, but will keep you updated if any developments.  How exciting!

And for the birders amongst you, I've been using my zoom lens (above) and below...

'LBJ' sitting in the catkins...
'LBJ', for non-birders, is short for Little Brown Job - usually attributed to sparrow or other dun coloured small bird observed from a distance...

Now, you can't fail to enjoy seeing a blackbird...

That was a one-shot shot before it flew off.

That's it for now.  Will keep you posted!  Thanks for reading, Kat.

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