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Friday, 9 March 2012

OK, I lied...

Just had to share this joke I heard on BBC Radio 4's Women's Hour yesterday:

Why did the menopausal chicken cross the road?  Because she bloody well wanted to!

:)  been smiling about that all day!

Anyhoo.  This is aimed at you ladies of a certain age.... but I don't mind who else reads it, you just might not 'get' it.

So, a little before Christmas I'd realised that I finally needed reading glasses.  I'd had laser surgery about 8 years ago, and they said that eventually I'd need glasses for reading. So I was prepared mentally, and annoyed by the children when they'd come up and show me something - by holding it close to my face and saying 'look at this Mummy!'.  And I'd say, 'No, that's too close!' and then move it to about arms length away.... the penny finally dropped, and I made my appointment at the optician.

I have now 2 pairs of reading glasses (Boots Opticians, great deal, 2 pairs £79!), one in my handbag, with string, which I wear around my neck at the Library. And the second pair I keep by my bedside for reading at night.  And it's better.  And I don't mind at all.  And I quite like the day time ones, they've got a retro 60's secretary styling about them which is a little bit wacky... well, I think it is and they make me smile.

So, here's the nub of it.  For ladies of a certain age.

This morning, as I took my shower, I realised as I was shaving my armpits that I actually couldn't see what I was doing....

Well, I'd realised that I can't see my arm pit some time ago, but this morning, in the shower, I was actually considering whether it would be better to shave in the shower with my reading glasses on. Or would they mist up????

There you go, my first documented 'senior moment' (unless you know otherwise!).  I've been smiling to myself about that all day as well.

On that note, I'm out of here, Phoebe's by my elbow, finessing our rhyming couplets for the Treasure Hunt Party on Sunday.

Cherry plum or blackthorn? blossom, Folly Hill

Enjoy the weekend! Keep it sweet. Kat :)

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